Monday, May 12, 2008

Send your kvitel and requests

I am creating this blog website to help those who wish to send requests but cannot do so themselves.

I will be happy to take your kvitel to:
  • The Western Wall - The Kotel in Jerusalem
  • Shimshon HaGibor - Samson near Beit Shemesh
  • Rashbi - Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai for Lag BaOmer
  • The Noam Elimelech - The Rebbe Reb Melech on 21 Adar in Lizhensk for the Yorzeit
  • The Arizal on his yorzeit in AV
  • Other Tzadikim in eretz yisroel up north such as Rabbi Akiva Rabbi Meir Baal HaNess, Rambam others in Tiberias and in Tzefas etc.
  • Other Tzadikim in Europe such as the Ba'al Shem Tov, Rav Nachman of Breslov, Rav Levi Yitzhak of Berditshev, etc.

Please make a donation along with your kvitel to Tzedaka. As I always stress ALL kvitelach are always taken regardless of donation but I urge you to make a donation if you can:

For three reasons:

  1. The Tzadikim all say that one's prayers are more accepted through a Tzadik if you forge a bond with them, giving Tzedaka for their Neshama achieves this
  2. You are helping support our many projects at Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim and Mosdos Cleveland
  3. All these trips cost time and money the more people help me go the more places I can travel to to get the kvitel there.

What is a kvitel?

It is a letter of petition containg the Hebrew names of yourself and family and Mother's Hebrew name and request. For example Avraham Ben Miriam - for health, livelihood etc.

What should I ask for?

Common requests are: Health, Happiness, Blessings, Parnassah, Zivug marriage partner, yiras shomoyim, strength in Torah learning, however each request is personal ask for what you need.

All USA, Canada and Israeli checks are tax deductible.

Send made out to Mosdos Cleveland 11 Har Sinai St Ra'anana Israel

on the memo write kvitel and where its going to.

Include your handwritten kvitel with the check and email it to me as well at

I have a specific Tzadik in Israel, Europe I want you to take my kvitel to.

Please email me and tell me and we can try and work it out.

1 comment:

kivrey zadikim said...

hello dear

i find a graet site for kivrey zadikim its beuty,